
HW 8 & 9

My Point of View about an Article, "Men retreat from 'hassle' of loving relationships"

Honestly, I giggled when I read the last part of this article. It says, "Onnanoko wa mendoudashi, renraku shinakya-naranaishi, purezento toka okane kakarushi . . . (Girls are a hassle, they expect me to call, I have to buy them gifts and that would cost money)" what??????!!!!!!!!!! Is that the most biggest part of relasionships with girls for guys????!!!! Seriously???!!! If it is true, I wanna ask them, "Have you liked anyone from the bottom of your heart?"

On the other hand, I do not want to blame only guys. If some guys think so, girls make them think so. Some stupid girls ask guys expensive presents, and want to contact with guys all the time. I understand them if it is a way for them to love guys. But, it is quastionable whether they really think of busy guys with their work or whatever. If men are tired of relationships with women, one of the reasons causes women who cannot think of their partners.

About " Meanwhile: English speakers are from Mars"

This is very difficult problems. Actually, it is said that Japanese people are really bad at speaking. They want to speak English fluently, but Japanese English education from junior high school to high school in which they used to spend a lot of time doesn't help them well to meet their goals of being a fluent English speaker. I think there is a big gap between a goal of Japanese English education and one which Japanese people want to achieve.

Even though Japanese people should improve their speaking skill, I do not agree with introduction of English studies at first grade in elementary school. As the article also says, I think that children better study Japanese language first. So, I personally think children begin English at their fifth grade when they finish studying basic Japanese. However, they do not need to study difficult things like grammer. In elementary school, they should get used to English. For example, elementary school have some events with International schools like playing English games, having lunch together or things like that. Children are potintial to communicate with foreign children even if they do not speak the same language.

To sum up, it is necessary to make effective environment for studying English as a second language. If they have interest in English and communicating with foreign people, they are willing to study English.


HW 7

Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?

I used to eat in a restaurant in America when I lived there. Though I do not remember if I made any mistakes, I had some interesting experiences that I want to explain. What is the most interesting is that many Amreican people use chapsticks very well. It seems difficult for some people to use them, but they are still trying to use them correctly and enjoy Japanese or Chinese food. I was impressed that they try to eat foreign food in the traditional way even if it is difficult. I think their attitudes are very nice.

Also, each country has each manner traditionally or religiously when people eat . When we eat food in a foreign country, we , of course, do not know the manners perfectly. However, we need to appeciate the food or service, for example, if we go to a restaurant there. it is at least what we can do even if we do not really know manners in foreign countries.


HW 5 & 6

HW 5 *Surperstition*

Do you think it is important to talk about them? Why?Is communication affected by superstitions?Do you believe in Japanese superstitions? If so, what superstitions, what do they mean and why do you do,use, or believe in them?

It was very interesting to talk about it. I did not think that they have such great influence on communication. It is very important for us to communicate with it because if we did not know it in another country, we might do something rude or taboo to people in the country. Superstition causes miscommunication with people in foreing countries.
I believe some of Japanese surperstitions, for example, I never get something with my chapsticks from someone's chapsticks. It means something unlucky because we do so after a cremation. we usually pick up bones and pass others with chapsticks to their chapsticks. I uncounsciouslu believe it strongly because my grandmother and my dad were very strict about manners. So if I did so, they got really really angry when I was small.

HW 6 *Wedding*

Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Eloping? Having it in a foreign location like Hawaii?What is your ideal wedding? What would you definitely do or wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

Actually I have been working in a hotel and serving meals at weddding parties every week since I entered university. I saw banch of Japanese wedding parties, so this topic was very interesting for me to learn wedding in foreign countries. I personally think it's good idea, but it depends on people. "Eloping"? Hmm..it's not very good idea for me because I do not want to leave my family, and I do not want him to leave his family. My ideal wedding party is pretty big one because I want to invite many people close to me and him. I think a wedding party is a great oppotunity to appreciate people around us, such as bosses, co-workers, friends, and family. Moreover, I want to wear a white dress, colored dress, and kimono. I need to wear kimono because I missed Seijin-siki. My gandma especially wanna see me wearing kimono because she use to make kimono for her work. I hope I will have a great wedding party someday:)

I am really looking forward to listening to the speaker in next class!!


HW 4

I will explain the meaning of english proverbs and sayings about time for Homework 4.

1. Time is money.
Japanese has the same saying. It means that time is as important as money. Now, I know it is!!! Because I have only about a month left until I turns in my thesis... Time goes by so fast:( Time is money!!!

2.A stitch in time saves nine.
Accorning to a website, it says that you use this proverb to say that it is better to spend a little time to deal with problems or act right now than wait. I like this proverb because it makes me notice that problems are never solved if I do not do anything and just wait.

3.There's no time like the present.
It means that there is a chance to do something right now. I think it advise us that if we are afraid, we will miss a great chance.

4. Fashionable late.
I could not find definition of this proverb. So, I guess........... Hmm..... I have no idea about this saying.


HW 3

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?
I think I tend to do so unconsciously. So, when I first meet someone and see what they wear, I probably guess even their personality. For example, honestly, if a girl wear like Gal, I get a little nervous and worried whether I can be good friend with her. It's because I don't wear clothes like they do, and my friends do not really wear like them either. The difference makes me nervous, I think. But, I know people wearing like that are nice. Hmm...It's kinda difficult to show my opinions. Have you felt the same way?

2 Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?
I think so too because, to be homest, when I first saw Muslim covering their face except their eyes, I used to get nervous. I was just surrounded with terrible news like terrorism or war regarded to Muslim, but after I met a woman who believes Islam and had a lecture in our class last semester, I totally changed the wrong perception.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?
I did not really care about my clothes today, so they do not refledt my mood. But, when I feel happy, I wear pink, light green, or something light. When I have a presentation or speech, I want to look smart, so I choose black or white. Haha.

For discussion of friends

1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I do not really think up because I talk about various things with my friends, for example, about family, future dreams, Japanese stupid politician ( except Susan's husband, of course!! ), economics, part-time jobs, and whatever. BUT!!! The topic depends on who I'm talking to. Some people are not interested in politics.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.

Yes, I do. I talked about just girls stuff with some friends. Off course, I like them and always enjoy hanging out with them. I also have friends who I talk about serious things with, such as the future. They always make me consider things more seriously and give me some advice.

When I think of one of my high school friends, I notice that the contexts that we talked about have been changing since we were in high school. Both of us had many experiences after graduation from high school, so we have our own ideas for any topics. Sometimes our ideas are different, but we can respect them. When I talk to her seriously, she always give me advice. So do I. She and I trust and respect each other. Also, we are very interested in having new experiences, so we taraveled to NY and Las Vegas together. I think she is definately my best friend forever.


HW 1 and 2

HW 1: I'm sorry that I'm doing this homework late...

1. Reflecting about today's class:Today we discussed the Japanese concept of "wrapping". Do you agree with the web site's description?What do you do that can be called "wrapping"? Give examples and reasons for your actions.2.

I missed the first class, so I do not know exactly what you discussed then. But!!! I've heard of an interesting difference about wrapping between Japan and America. My friend, who has a boyfriend from America, visited his family on Christmas, and put presents for them under a Christmas tree. She wrapped whole stuff so they couldn't see what they were going to get. That's what Japanese people usually do for wrapping a present because we can surprise someone, and it's fun. But, the mother of her boyfriend told her that a present shouldn't be wrapped whole stuff. Then, she was not mean. She just tought her American wrapping style. I thought it's very interesting. Is it true? If I give a present to American friends, should I wrap it so they can see inside?

Preparation for the next class "Death and Funerals" Answer these questions in your blog;a. Where do you go when you die?

I a little believe that I might be born as a different person again after I die. I think this idea is from Buddhism. I heard we repeatedly live as a different person. each person does't remember anything about where and when he or she lived.

b. Explain why do Japanese have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc. after a person's death?

I think we have death memorial services then so we do not forget the person. I do not know why they're held in those period. I guess they might be good numbers on Buddhism.

HW 2:

1.Death and Funerals:a. Do you have any international friends or a host family? If so, how would you express your condolences to them if a family member died? If not, then how would you express condolences to an American host family if their Grandmother died?

I have friends from other countries, but I've never had any experiences to do so.
How I would express condolences to American host family is, I think, to say "I'm sorry ."
This "I'm sorry" means "残念です" or "お悔やみ申し上げます"in Japanese.

b. Have you ever been to a foreign funeral?
No, I have't. But, I've been to a memorial service when I was in America. A Japanese professor passed away suddenly, and it was his memorial service for 1 week or 1 month after he's dead (I so not remember exactly). People were wearing black clothes, and some people close to him had speeches. I was wondering it was American memorial service or Japense one because he lived in America for a long time , and he is from Japan.

2. The language of Clothes (preparation for next weeks topic):

a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy?
I do not know. I do not even know most of words for fashion mean. They are too many for me.

Why is what you wear so important?
I used to spend so much money on clothes, but now I noticed it's pretty stupid. I should spend my money on traveling rather than shopping. Meanwhile, I noticed getting experiences is more important for me than getting stuff. I still like wearing what I like, but I do not spend so much money as I used to do.

b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?
As I said above, I noticed clothes do not really important. I like wearing cute stuff, but it's just my favorite thing as everyone has hobbies. If I can look perfect with cute clothes, I can't cover immaturity and inexperience with them. So, I try to see the book itself instead of its cover.


United Nations

I used to want to work for United Nations, using my English. So, this question is very interesting to me.

I'd like to work for UNESCO because I'm interested in their activities. Their aims for the activities are basic education for all people, and protection of varieties of culture and promotion of world peace beyond defferent culture. For the goals, they are working on spreading compulsory education, adopting various treaties related to culture, protecting histrical sites, and so on.

If I could work for UNESCO, I would try to bring world peace all over the world. I'd like to try to give all people oppotunities to think about different culture and relision and cross cultural communication. I think accepting and understanding different culture and relision is a key to make our world peaceful. No peace without understanding others.

Dear Susan
I really liked this class. I got more flexible to accept different culture and relision. Also, this class give me hints to write graduate thesis. I'll definitely take this class next semester too:) See you next class. Have a nice summar!!